Gary Vaynerchuk shares his thoughts

Gary Vaynerchuk is a US businessman, speaker, author, angel investor. Ethnically Russian Jewish, he has given a lot of advice on the internet over time and has some very specific advice for the new up and comers.

-use your leverage wisely. Many people end up squandering it to those who have no leverage and end up the rabbit vs the turtle

-the problem with faking yourself is people know you are faking yourself

-“it takes more energy to fake it then make it”

-“people are still stuck in their high school mentality”

-the quicker you want it, the more vulnerable you are

-to win at life you have to play offence

-happiness, self-awareness, work ethic

-When you get to do what you want to do when you want to, you’ve won

-patience, focus, work hard and smart in one thing, sacrificing 20’s for work

-giving with expectation is not giving

-use the chip on your shoulder, and have self-awareness

-every second you spend thinking what someone else has, is a second less you have to better yourself and your own circumstance

-do more, talk less

-do what you’re good at, like, that pays

-if you start a company that feels like a job, then you should stay in your job


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