The Wisdom of Solomon, also known as the Book of Wisdom, was removed by the Protestants but was kept in by the Catholic Church. It’s one of the books of Apocrypha, and although was believed to have been written by king Solomon, it seems it was written instead by friends of Solomon in his honor. With the Catholic Church accepting this to be the case, it seems it would be the case that it was written by people and not the word of God, hence excluded from the Bible. Regardless, I found it to be wise despite some historical errors.
-righteousness is immortal
-ungodly and their ways; that we die into nothing so the only choice is to enjoy each moment to the full. This leads to the wicked say, let us oppress the righteous because he judges us, and if he is really Gods child, God will deliver him. In thinking this, the wicked have deceived themselves, for humanity was created for immortality, not corruption
-even if the righteous are better or eunuchs, they are blessed. On the other hands the wicked are punished; even their wives are foolish and their children evil.
-childlessness with virtue is better than evil offspring
-the offspring of the wicked gain nothing but are witnesses to the wickedness of their parents
-the wicked may laugh at the short life of the righteous, but the Lord will laugh at them as they are punished
-wisdom was the answer to prayer and more important than wealth and honour
-her labors are the four cardinal virtues of moderation, justice, courage and practical wisdom
-Solomon prays for wisdom because only God can give it
-God punished by degrees so that the sinners would have an opportunity to repent
Love righteousness, all you who are judges of the earth; 1:1
Wisdom will not enter into a soul that devises evil; 1:4
Therefore no one who utters unrighteous things will be unseen 1:8
Because a jealous ear listens to all things; 1:10
Beware then of unprofitable murmuring, and keep your tongue from slander; because no secret utterance will go on its way void, and a lying mouth destroys a soul 1:11
But let our strength be a law of righteousness; for that which is weak is proven useless 2:11
For he who despises wisdom and discipline is miserable 3:11 their wives are foolish and their children are wicked; their descendants are cursed 3:12-13
But children of adulterers will not come into maturity 3:16
For the end of an unrighteousness generation is always grievous 3:19
For unlawfully conceived children are witnesses of wickedness against parents when they are investigated 4:6
For the fascination of wickedness obscures things which are good, and the whirl of desire perverts an innocent mind 4:12
And youth who is quickly perfected will condemn the many years or an unrighteousness man’s old age; 4:16
What for our arrogance profit us? What good have riches and boasting brought us? 5:8
But the righteous love forever. Their reward is in the Lord, and the care for them with the most high; 5:15
But the scrutiny that comes upon the powerful is strict; 6:8
For those who have kept the things that are holy in holiness will be made holy 6;10
wisdom is radiant and doesn’t fade away; and is easily seen by those who love her, and found by those who seek her. She anticipates those who desire her, making herself known; 6:12-13
Indeed, I won’t travel with consuming envy, because envy will have no fellowship with wisdom. But a multitude of wise men is salvation to the world, and an understanding king is stability for his people; 6:23-24
I considered riches nothing in comparison to her (wisdom) 7:8
For God loves nothing as much as one who dwells with wisdom 7:28
Evil does not prevail against wisdom 7:30
But if riches are a desired possession in life, what is richer than wisdom, which makes all things? 8:5
And if understanding is effective, who more than wisdom is an architect of the things that exist? 8:6
If a man loves righteousness, the fruits of wisdoms labor are virtues, for she teaches soberness, understanding, righteousness, and courage. There is nothing in life more profitable for people than these. 8:7
When I come into my house, I will find rest with her. For conversation with her has no bitterness, and living with her has no pain, but gladness and joy. 8:16
They were saved through wisdom 9:18
That they might learn that by what things a man sins, by these he is punished 11:16
but judging them little by little you gave them a chance to repent, not being ignorant that their nature by birth was evil, their wickedness inborn, and that their manner of thought would never be changed; 12:10
But you, being sovereign in strength, judge in gentleness; 12:18
how the righteous must be kind 12:19
therefore while you chasten us, you scourge our enemies ten thousand times more, to the intent that we may ponder your goodness when we judge, and when we are judged may look for mercy; 12:22
But those who would not be admonished by mild correction will experience the deserved judgment of God 12:26
For the hunger for profit planned it, and wisdom was the craftsman who built it; 14:2
For blessed is wood through which comes righteousness; but the ol made with hands is accursed, itself and he that made it; 14:7-8
For both the ungodly and his ungodliness are alike hateful to God 14:9
For the devising of idols was the beginning of fornication, and the invention of them the corruption of life; 14:12
Because men, in bondage either to calamity or to tyranny, invested stones and stocks with the Name that shouldn’t be shared; 14:21
Confusion about what is good, forgetfulness of favors, ingratitude for benefits, defiling of souls, confusion of sex, disorder in marriage, adultery and wantonness. For the worship of idols that may not be named is a beginning and cause and end of every evil; 14:26-27
For it is not the power of things by which men swear, but it is the just penalty for those who sin that always visits the transgression of the unrighteous; 14:31
Yes, and they worship the creatures that are most hateful, for, being compared as to lack of sense, these are worse than all others; 15:18
No healing for their life was found, because they were worthy to be punished by such things; 16:9
For your judgments are great, and hard to interpret; therefore undisciplined souls went astray; 17:1
For while they thought that they were unseen in their secret sins, they were divided from one another by a dark curtain of forgetfulness, stricken with terrible awe, and very troubled by apparitions 17:3
Salvation of the righteous and destruction of the enemies was expected by your people 18:7