The tactical guide to women Shawn Smith

In our wealth obsessed world, we become stingy and selfish and focus solely on the money, losing sight of everything else. And yet, some of those everything else actually greatly affects our finances, notably for men in who they choose to partner up with in life. Divorce takes away >50% of your wealth, so even if the partner you want is not a big deal, if your primary concerns are finance it still matters to choose someone that doesn’t mess up said finances. Many have said marriage is the most important decision one makes in their lives anyways. This book, the Tactical guide to women by Shawn Smith, is by far and away the best book I’ve ever seen written on women for men to make the right decision. My only caveat is that it excludes the “obvious” things to look out for in women, and instead goes into details that men might typically overlook. If you need a crash course on the basics, the book is not for you. But if you have some foundational understanding of women, then the book is definitely for you as it goes deep.


-the invisible forces that steer men in the wrong direction

-the subtle signs of maturity, sanity, and stability in women

-the most common mistakes men make in choosing a partner

-“I knew she was the right person for me to marry because she told me so”; this is coercive

-there’s a difference between poverty and a bad romantic partnership; a poor man can still be happy

-Eighteen years ago, I married the kind of woman who has prompted friends to ask: “how did you trick her into marrying you?” (I choose to take this question as a compliment). This occasionally happens

-there are good women out there

-women want: resources, ambition, maturity, ability for long term provisioning, kindness, generosity, emotional openness, willingness to provision women and their children

-men’s value to women is based on ability and willingness

-woman’s value to men is youth and physical appearance

Men’s qualities: foresight, discipline, social network, resourcefulness, intelligence, humour. Women inherently like masculine men

-if all goes well, we eventually replace insecurity with resourcefulness

-people tend to find partners who soothe their deepest insecurities

-a insecure, clingy person may pair with a loner who prizes space and privacy

-mechanical quality to human interactions: if you push, they push back. If you run, they chase. Romantic choices can thus be worryingly mechanical and impulsive

-power couple; Sarah the wife was regarded as a humourless taskmaster prone to angry outbursts. Sarah was mad at Mike for buying sandwiches with not the right type of bread

-Mike when young had witnessed a bad marriage and he always felt he had to be of service in order gain love. Mike would go to uncles to eat dinner to avoid arguing and unhappiness at home. Mike in college would clean up after roommates, and was in the friend zone from women. Mike was taken advantage of by both men and women in both scenarios.

-Sarah was neglected by parents through poverty and no attention paid to her; she would as a result throw tantrums to get attention, which worked. Now as an adult she would treat people this way too. So since I seem like Mike it’s to be aware of takers and those with bad attitudes

-Mike needed to please, and Sarah needed to be pleased. So they with sexual attraction became the perfect imperfect match.

-the demons within people attach people who have interlocking insecurities

-Sarah would harshly just Mike and occasionally have good feedback, while Mike was desperate for Sarah’s positive feedback

-the backward power of core beliefs: the relationship eventually led to mutual contempt. Sarah thought Mike always let her down, and Mike always felt he never did enough.

-it’s not your fault if you are attracted to the wrong people. But it is your responsibility to alter your sensibility, or else recreate the same scenario and keep suffering negative consequences

-core beliefs may sabotage you and may help you. You don’t have to listen to them

-we are led to the wrong women out of our minds love for short-term gratification, for anything positive for ourselves, including money, attention, sex, needs, etc. this leads to men trying to appease an unappeasable women

-this leads to this thinking; if I try too hard, at least ill get it and break even. If I don’t try and wait for others to accept me, I’ll be alone forever. So people “play it safe” and (men) simp

-this play it safe thinking will keep the wrong people in your life

-our core beliefs flare up the most in our most vulnerable times; when we are hungry, lonely, angry, tired, stressed.

-control your mind and don’t go to be captain save-a-hoe or to go fix other peoples problems

-don’t ignore the red flags: “if you loved me, you would try harder”. The harder he tried, the higher she raised the bar

-a person who is insecure about abandonment can drive their partner crazy seeking reassurance. So, the other person will need a break from the intensity, which leads to the worst fear of abandonment occurring

-overly self-critical (I’m unworthy) while idealizing others (they are to be served) leads to distress, loneliness, depression

-what are your core beliefs concerning women? That their attention is conditional? That they always leave, or that their emotions are unpredictable? That women go for jerks? Or that women are reliable, trustworthy? That they always liked you?

-we do and look for our early role models (parents), even if it is wrong

-inter generational transmission of marital quality; those who came from poor families with bad relationships will do the same

-like mother like daughter, like father like son is true

-compensating for underperforming parents leads to lack of trust; women do not like insecure men who cannot express themselves

-men are more manipulative when they had bad parents

-fathers who are depressed had less contact with sons, more distant, less supervision, more conflict with sons. It is neglect. Should show how to put words to problems rather than remain silent and immobilized

-marital strain affects father-son relationships much more than father-daughter relationships. -Fathers are also supposed to give the ability to trust by being present and consistent, and with constructive disagreements and solutions

-men are more likely than women to carry anxious attachment from their parental relationships to their romantic relationships. If they didn’t trust their parents to be present and reliable; they probably won’t trust their wives

-if your mind is working with tainted data get new data and associate with good

-both men and women are chasing short-term mating satisfaction, women more so. This will lead to women trying to sleep around with alpha chads. Avoid these women and look for healthy women instead.

First, look for goodness of fit first to pursue. Then, find an attractive women. Not suggesting men pursue women they find unattractive.

-to know your future relationships, look at your past ones and reject those.

-the moment you see red flags, time to go. People can hide well until the 6 month mark

Chapter 2

-define your values by defining the type of person you want to be. This will lead you to know what kind of women you want

-shared values are a good indicator of marital satisfaction. Personality trait kindness is also an indicator of marital satisfaction.

-wide demographic differences actually lead to a wide gulf in values, particularly to money

-shared values outweigh communication

-having clear values, though an advantage can screw you over. Chris and Sofia, Chris motivated values, Sofia passive not sure what she wants. Chris wanted: a hot girl, willing to let him lead, defer to him in disagreement, never tire of his idealism, prioritize his schedule over her. And he was larger than life and social. Divorce where Sofia initiated from loneliness, a fight where both hired lawyers and paid them too much

-Schwartz’s 10 universal values across all people (though the order can differ between people):











Another big ten in daily lifestyle:


-leisure activity



-intimate relationships

-community involvement

-religion and spirituality

-education and personal development



Two other important ones: finances, physical intimacy

Know your values by:

-pinning them down

-check your rear view mirror (what you do with your time in the past)

-be specific about behaviours with a value

-explore your ideal world, if there were no judgments or constraints to anything

-separate goals from values; goals have an endpoint, values don’t

-get comfortable with discomfort of values; values driven approach to life requires saying no

-don’t have a monkey mind and don’t go to those who have a monkey mind; the women who go after jerks or impressionable narcissists, or guys who go after the hot girl

-narcissists make a great first impression, are exploitative, arrogant and unfeeling

-even though we regard narcissists as good potential mates, we don’t regard them as adequate friend material

-unless a women had done the work and research I’ve done, she is not viewing men from a good place

-be sensitive and assertive; to attract a healthy women, a man should have good values and actually stick to those values

Value traps; short term impulses is our worst enemy; hunger, lack of sleep, need for sex and companionship

-avoid unpleasant thoughts and feelings; fear of pain and rejection causes us to not make decisions at all

-pursuing secondary rewards like: admiration, security, money, position

-keeping up appearances; social pressure is low grade pull to conformity.

-values that endure beyond the honeymoon:

-similar appetite for excitement vs calmness. Valuing relaxation, Calmness, and peace is the affiliative motive. Valuing stimulation, active, enthusiasm is the power motive. If you don’t have similar, you will argue about what to do in evenings and weekends

-common goals

-similar appetite for closeness; you need to want the same level of intimacy

-quality of shared time. If shared time is low quality, it leads to boredom, irritation

-perceived similarity

-if you want to minimize the chances of romantic disaster, one of your best hedges is unapologetic honesty about who you are and where you’re going in life

Chapter 3 – what gets you out of bed

-don’t stop the actions you took prior to marriage

-wise women are well attuned to a man’s sense of purpose “. If a man had no purpose, they will be miserable and far more likely to commit suicide. This includes work, money and relationships. Most male suicide occur in mid-life and old age.

-good women are tolerant of a man’s uncertainty as long as he’s trying to find his purpose

-a man needs to produce more than he consumes (clearly, in order to have children)

-competence leads to man’s self worth and mental health

-intention and effort lead to prestige. Prestige is associated with true self-esteem, agreeableness, conscientiousness, achievement, and mentoring. Narcissism: aggression, unearned reward, hubristic pride, disagreeableness. Narcissism impresses in the short term, but leads to these people to be rejected and lonely long term.

-lack of direction in a man can lead to conflict with women. If a purpose exceeds the time and attention given to women, this leads to conflict too.

-men who work together tend to get along better

-all male groups tend to have less arguing than all female groups. Men can lead to more hierarchy thinking than women. Men who make sense tend to have a few close friends, not many friends

-is a man capable or bumbling? A leader that takes what’s his, or a peon who settles for scraps?

-if a woman complains about your purpose, it is time to go

-a man who is a big ball of drama and at odds with the world, or who is a disconnected lumps is less attractive than men who can function among others

-Shawn Smith has met many men who were more interested in an entertaining life than a long one

-men who take on responsibility because we change our self-destructive habits when we devote to something more than ourselves

-women have more of an ability to feel connected to loved ones, even in their absence. Men generally more out of sight, out of mind approach

-genuinely establishing yourself as a man helps you avoid the wrong women

-those who best assess themselves honestly is the best way to keep the wrong women at a safe distance, though not a guarantee or meeting a woman of your dreams. Insight is the foundation of risk management

-healthy couples find humour in gender and people differences

-find women of: character, kindness

Part 2

-bright triad: clarity, maturity, stability

-as opposed to dark triad of: narcissism (arrogant and cold hearted), Machiavelli (manipulative and self-interested), psychopathic (impulsive and remorseless)

Chapter on clarity

-clarity: assessing her skill to manage difficulty and hurt feelings, her assertiveness can reduce your risk, and maintaining an environment to calm and clarity

-her communication should be reliable, inquisitive, assertive. This prevents pointless arguments

-avoid those that throw tantrums or are passive-aggressive (more primitive means of expressing herself). Passive aggressiveness used as indirect expression of hostility is the worst

-people who take leadership positions are hungry for power or to create a barrier between themselves and others

-a good women who can notice and alter her own troublesome patterns is a keeper

-inquisitive women are curious rather than offensive. They don’t try to mind read, and allow for differences of opinion, and is curious on those. Someone who assumes you are wrong and doesn’t ask, is not a good one

-once we lose respect for each other, the relationship is often completely gone

-encourage assertiveness over passive communication; when it is gone, resentment grows. Passive hoping they get the hint doesn’t work.

-the person who is passive and gets resentful is responsible, not the other person

-don’t sweep things under the rug

-good relationships hinge on each partner giving more than they take

Chapter – maturity

Emotional maturity is difficult to detect, and different between men and women. Five non-negotiable emotional skills she must possess

-dating is a lot like a job interview

-an immature women for example, wants compliments and will fish for them, by complaining her own thighs are too large, or by posing it in a question manner. Emotional immaturity often shows up after the honeymoon. Emotional Maturity on the other hand is easy to see. It is the opposite of emotional impulse. Those are: fighting, fleeing, freezing.

Fighting; blaming, criticizing, accusing, dominating, manipulating, pouting, passive-aggressive

Flight (running away): substance abuse, overeating, overworking, compulsive or addictive behaviours, affairs, retreating in a fantasy world when problems exist

Freeze (doing nothing); helplessness, dependence, whining, avoiding important decisions or conversations

-some people are drama queens and always make everything about them, even when it is about you. -Blaming others, externalizing responsibility; this means you will be viewed as the source of her misery

-she lacked the ability to be present when others needed her

-men factor stoicism, women favour discussion

-however, reasonable people find passive-aggressive behaviour distasteful

-there are some people who you wish never entered your life

-ANS arousal, fight or flight, occurs if men won’t discuss and women continue to want to. Women take longer than men to cool down from this fight or flight mode.

Qualities of a mature women to succeed in relationships:

Can calm herself when sad or angry, accepts reality, tolerates distress, keeps commitments, based important decisions on values rather than impulse, takes care of relationships and doesn’t burn bridges, possesses emotional resources to function well among coworkers, family, friends

-non-negotiable emotional skills needed:

Insight, intellectual nuance, resilience, internalization, self-maintenance

-trials and conflict should seem easy around her and easy to resolve

-our memories of emotionally charged events are 50% accurate, but feel 100% accurate

-insightful person asks questions instead of telling stories to maintain her view

-couples are only insightful as the least insightful person is; it becomes death by a thousand cuts. The person who lacks insight has pointless arguments and silly disagreements

-emotional nuance: a person who can recognize they love someone and are angry at them. To not vilify others. If the person blames you as the devil rather than focus on the issue and avoid personal attacks, then beware. Splitting can cause the person to abandon you during conflict. Taking a break can be good for conflict, albeit momentarily

-resilience: don’t be the knight to rescue women.

-white knights are not altruistic and are manipulative, have low self-esteem, lying, passive-aggressive, clingy to the point of smothering. Do not white knight in trying to save troubled women

-Problem focused coping is better than emotion focused coping (leads to wallowing and wishful thinking). Being able to bounce back is resilience

-internalizing responsibility: find those whose lives are in order, they know how to take responsibility. Avoid those who don’t take responsibility because they blame others. They should internalize in a healthy manner and not so much and always mired in angst. Those who internalize healthily have good disagreements

-self-maintenance: if a women is looking to short term answers like binge eating, drinking. If she isn’t taking care of herself physically, spiritually, emotionally. Take a look at her friends and you will know what she is like. If she has friends that does or doesn’t do certain things, she probably behaves that way.

-stability chapter

Need mental and emotional stability. Avoid those who drink too much, who are depressed, emotional breakdowns

-80% of divorces filed by women

-women suffer depression and anxiety, social anxiety, panic, 3x more than men

-women’s psychiatric problems the same as men’s alcohol abuse; women depressed go to therapy, men to alcohol

-most common mental health problems: depression and anxiety, substance abuse, unresolved emotional injuries

-depressed men are irritable and agitated, not Sad. The percentage between men and women is the same, though expressed differently

-people who do well in the community may be grumpy around loved ones

-depressed women; 2x more likely to file divorce, more marital stress, more destructive behaviour and conflict resolution tactics

-experiential avoidance; doing other things to avoid something (in this case the wife). These people also make awful romantic partners, as they may hide at the bar or other activities to avoid difficulty

-avoid those who avoid problems

-substance abuse causes divorce

-pot lowers available dopamine in the brain, causing addiction to maintain normal levels. Gambling and shopping are also behavioural compulsions

-people whose personal or professional lives are falling apart are the ones who have addictions or disorders

-avoid addictive or compulsive partners

-talk your way through negative experiences so they’d not gain exclusive control over your behaviour

-the mind prizes familiarity, even when it’s unpleasant

-we do what we know how to do until we choose to learn a different way

-if a women has a painful history with mom and dad, or broken relationships, watch out, she will replay the same pattern and assume you are the same as those people before, true (seeking familiarity) or untrue (inventing it in her mind)

-tread lightly if there’s a whiff of painful history or broken relationships about her


-as much as 1 in 10 have them: antisocial (charming, deceitful, manipulative, destructive, sociopathic), narcissistic (cares about them self, grandiose, cold hearted, needs to be center of attention, dishonest, exploitative), borderline personality (unstable self image and emotions,

broken relationships)

-histrionic; lack of self-worth, needs to be seen and heard. Women will her their body, and other shallow or theatrical emotional displays, this person believes relationships to be deeper than they actually are. So, this person has insincere, superficial, and shallow relationships

-avoidant personality: avoiding social situations from fear or being criticized or rejected

-dependent: clingy, submissive, feelings of abandonment

-obsessive-compulsive; need for order and control

-avoid those with emotional experience being intense and inflexible, thoughts about themselves and others lack complexity (black and white), avoid those who claim to be an “old soul” or wise beyond their years (that is a lie)

Chapter 7 – nine questions to ask (critical risk-management)

-after 12–18-month honeymoon period, date another year

-what we are attracted to can often be what we are annoyed of later: nice becomes passive, strong becomes stubborn, confident to overconfident, funny to flaky, outgoing to over the top, caring became clingy, quiet became closer, exciting became scary, physically attractive became high maintenance, lie back became lazy, successful became workaholic

Question 1: are her coping skills reliable? When things get difficult, does she disagree constructively or does she do any negative behaviours

-don’t over claim success

Question 2: is she inquisitive?

-signs of lack of inquisitive behaviour: doesn’t ask questions, have to fight to be understood, constantly criticized, repeatedly told am wrong

-reliability at 80:20

Question 3: is she assertive?

-assertive women don’t dominate, manipulate, passive aggressive, dependent, restricting sex to manipulate behaviour, living in fantasyland, not admitting to what they want. They put you in no-win positions

-overly compliant women will bend to your will and get resentful later on

-good relationships don’t track contributions and each does more work than the “fair” amount of work

-maturity; avoid drama

-is she resilient? See how she responds to life’s small Challenges and it will be the same for large challenges

-is she accepting? Women will remember past problems

-men being depicted as buffoons in popular mindset is foolish. If you feel you cannot let your guard down, then you are not accepted and there is a problem

-is she good to you? Are there are small acts of kindness and generosity? These are given freely and abundantly. A woman whose nature is kind and heroine makes for more satisfying life, lower chance of an angry, divorcing woman. Kind and generous people are less likely to be angry or divorced.

-find a woman who is consistently kind and generous, not sometimes. “Sometimes she treats me well, but it never lasts” is a very bad sign. When she’s good, she’s great, is also a bad sign.

-negative signs: stalking, threats, humiliation, separating you from family and friends, yelling, screaming, belittling or diminishing, jealousy, possessiveness, putting you down, ordering around, not allowing exit during an argument.

-Men simply must expect kindness from women:

-empathetic; takes interest in your thoughts, feelings, and with others

-speaks about former romantic partners with respect

-kind to people she doesn’t need to be, such as wait staff or store clerks and strangers

-routinely brightens your day. You look forward to seeing her. Not dreading her in some way

-attentive to your needs, not competing with them. Gives willingly and happily

-one of the most important ways to measure her kindness is how she speaks about and interacts with her family. Couples who have good relationships with their families tend to have happier marriages; more compromising and cooperative. Not competing for affection or resources, less avoidant, less insulting. Sometimes women who complain about their families are right, they are bad situations

-ignoring the opinion of friends and family is a way to fool yourself into the wrong relationship

-stability question 1: does she understand her history? This affects how she responds to situations and who she gets into relationships with

-the way she speaks about former partners, her father, role models is how you can see a pattern and history

-if a woman runs away from these topics, that is a red flag

-the women who can describe her history with nuance and objectivity rather than “it happened” understands her history, and is more likely to not bring drama to you

-stability question 2: is she addicted?

-this includes shopping, drinking, Netflix, gaming, etc

-addicted people get withdrawal; body reacting negatively when addiction is gone

-warning signs: arguing with her about her level or use, making excuses for her, she hates boredom, avoiding friends and family to escape embarrassment, intuition

-addictions and compulsions are death by a thousand cuts

-stability question 3: does she internalize responsibility?

-successful people internalize responsibility

-people who externalizer responsibility like to blame others, wait for a miracle, are entitled, believe their destiny or situation is due to luck, genetics, circumstance, prejudice

-those that externalize responsibility: depression, anxiety, low life satisfaction, self-pity, anger, reduced persistence, reduced success difficulty overcoming physical illness

-resilience leads to accepting life’s unfairness

-the internalizer acts that she is the common denominator for success or failure

-the costliest relationship mistakes are often the easiest to avoid

Chapter 8 – avoid common blunders

-divorce has little effect on the rich and the poor; the middle lose a lot. A divorce makes the man lose, the woman wins

-male mental health is more affected both positive and negative by relationship quality

-female mental health more negatively affected by singlehood status and recent breakups

-if a woman is too old, it also increases odds of divorce as they decline in choosiness in desperation to settle

-good women exist, they just don’t stand out. They quietly live their lives, and also look for good men. Shawn T Smith hears from them all the time

-your focus becomes your future; don’t focus on the bad women, focus on the good

-what we expect to occur is more important than what we intend

-a good women will offer unwavering support to you in your purpose and values

-it’s a bad sign when she asks you to separate from the people and activities that bring you meaning

-don’t apologize for or hide your values (don’t try and trick someone in)

-include her in your activities and social circles (new lovers isolate, don’t do that)

-be clear about your non-negotiable terms (religion, in-laws, politics, family behaviour,

-look for long term values compatibility; good couples have similarities more than difference. Similar activities meaningful, similar preferences for excitement, calmness, or power, on the same page emotionally regarding their experiences, want similar emotional closeness

-speak honestly about where values diverge

-don’t be value thrills seeker; someone trying to convert someone else with different values

-discuss the meaning of money (freedom, excitement, security, status)

-discuss the meaning of sex (couples with incompatible values regarding sexual are at risk of conflict, affairs, divorce)

-don’t play house; making commitments that should only be done after marriage

-moving in prior to marriage without clear intent for marriage increases chance of divorce or separation

-if you decide to move in “on a whim” that recklessness will likely lead to long term disaster

-slowness and time are the best to prevent disaster in marriage

-you are boyfriend, fiancé, or husband. If you are something like “kind of married”, that is no good

-reject fantasy, avoid chronically angry, find the common denominator/reason, reject white knighthood, be honest about her sexual attitudes and appetite, be honest about her bad behaviour, heed red flags, listen to warnings, respect your intuition

Reality anchor 1: reject wishful thinking

-Obvious mistake: starting a relationship with someone already seeing or kind of seeing someone

Reality anchor 2: heed warnings from family and friends.

Reality anchor 3: your intuition

-quick intuition that takes place quickly and without awareness, wordless, is more accurate

-more experience helps intuition, though it is not always right. Intuition is subtle, with bodily sensations, anxiety, unease, dreams, nightmares.

-newly weds unstated, automatic attitudes about their relationships (intuition), was more likely to predict success or failure than their conscious, stated predictions

-those with premarital or dating doubts, or even in anniversaries or started less satisfied, remained less satisfied over time

Reality anchor 4: be honest about her behaviour

-avoid women with subtle jabs, that ride the line between civil and maltreatment

-if you’re interactions leave you feeling tired, down, depressed, irritated, don’t ignore that feeling and don’t become isolated

Reality anchor 5: be honest about her sexual attitudes and appetite

-sex should not be used as a reward or punishment

Reality anchor 6: reject white knighthood

-male fixers look for women in need of emotional rescue

-never seen a truly altruistic white knight. White knighthood demands duplicitous motivations. Men may rescue women as they think they can’t get healthy women, a thrill from being in a position of power, avoiding own problems, or upbringing led to familiarity

-the need to rescue women is a consistent reliable indicator of insecurity within a man

-white knighting leads to resentment from the man

-for real fulfillment, only find fully functioning, adult women who know how to internalize responsibility

Reality anchor 7: know when to tap out

-sunk costs, including relationships, are sunk costs. Do not let that affect you

-don’t nurse dying relationships

Reality anchor 8: acknowledge the common denominator

-I know a man who has been fired three times. By contrast, many other people never get fired

Reality anchor 9: use time to avoid self-deception

Reality anchor 10: avoid the chronically angry

-avoid any women who is angry at all men; women who feel bad victims to men, who are entitled to men’s time, money, energy, attention, hate men.

-we can avoid women who don’t appreciate ourselves and devote to women who do

-if a woman mentions how women are oppressed by men or seems to lack respect for you, or puts her needs above yours

-if a woman continuously calls or texts where you are, that is also not a good sign

-men should choose women wisely with respect to their time, money, and autonomy. Don’t pick a mother or manager.

-toxic feminists engage in selective attention to fit their agenda; red flag

-avoid the ones with a victim’s attitude

Chapter 9 – safety in mastery

-watch out for little resentments

-sometimes listen, sometimes offer solutions

-avoid women who put you in no-win situations

-don’t apologize for masculinity

Expert tip 3; tolerate her discomfort

-men are not responsible for a woman’s happiness

Expert tip 4; be assertive about personal maintenance

-men tend to self-neglect own health, which can lead to other mental and physical problems

Expert tip 5; reject happy wife, happy life

-this leads to avoiding confrontation, emasculation

-a self-respecting woman would just the reverse idea

Expert tip 6; don’t lead with sex

-don’t use the sleazy, deceptive techniques offered by the pickup community

Expert tip 7; don’t clam up

-men ruin relationships with silence; it causes anxiety and even less communication

Expert tip 8; don’t save her

Expert tip 9; study human nature

-women after divorce, even if they initiated, hang on to hurt feelings for years, and seek revenge

-women spend a lot of time, money and effort in trying to look good

-don’t settle unless the women has clarity, maturity, stability. Is kind and has character


This is not Financial Advice. This article is meant only for educational and perhaps entertainment purposes.




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