Power vs force David Hawkins

After reading Power vs. Force, you will be able to identify whether someone is a positive or negative person, just based on their vibe, disposition, aura, demeanour, mannerisms, behavior. The vibration of others, the consciousness, the primary underlying emotion, can be identified and explain one’s behavior and experience of life. Imagine being able to read a person right away akin to a book; having that level of discernment would be something to behold, that this book by David Hawkins delves into.

-the skillful are not obvious; they appear to be simple-minded. The subtle power moves all things and has no name

-what if every question had to be answered truthfully

-man learned to lie after one hour of talk

-each human has some capacity to differentiate positive and negative stimuli, anabolic (life enhancing) or catabolic (life consuming), and, truths vs lies

-the found premise: positive muscle reaction occurs from truths, negative muscle reactions from lies. This is independent of the test subjects opinion or knowledge of the truth

-Levels of consciousness, from 1 to 1000. Higher clear levels of consciousness easier to detect lies. Help aid in spiritual growth and maturation to higher levels of consciousness

-pessimism, close-mindedness comes from fear

-optimism, acceptance comes from self-confidence

-it is in our database to be able to know everything and obtain unlimited information

-in a way, we already “know” it all

-never read a book without investigating it first


-international polls indicate a high level of unhappiness everywhere

-society needs visionary’s of means, not just dreamers of ends

-reason or feelings, people primarily operate on pattern recognition

-consciousness automatically chooses what it deems best at that time. Usually based on past experiences, particularly negative emotional ones

-power is subtle, unconscious, unaware. Inner awareness. Force doesn’t work anywhere

-restrained by force, propelled by power

-understanding leads to relief and joy

Chapter 1- critical advances in knowledge

-human beings look for what is life supportive and gravitate in that direction, and gravitate away from that which does not support survival

-some people have stronger attractors or fields, some weaker

-muscles become weak when exposed to harmful stimuli (an arm downward weight becomes less weighted)

-muscles become strong when exposed to beneficial stimuli (am arm resting downward weight increases)

-pay attention to body language, because the body will respond positively or negatively, even if the mind is unaware. This includes emotional attitudes and mental stresses. The body goes weak from mental stresses. This occurs regardless of belief systems, Intellectual opinions, emotions. When people go weak, it desynchronizes cerebral hemispheres. So conclusion: stay away from any negative stresses in life, physical, emotional, mental, everything

-thoughts, whether positive or negative, have close to the same effect as the real situation. So, think positively and avoid negative thoughts and negative people

-the better the positive emotion, the higher log of positive emotion

-negative emotions lead to no energy in the person daily as all their energy is drained post interaction

-when your emotional state goes higher and higher, the individual does not accept anything less, it is viewed as unacceptable. So, that means I don’t accept negative people with anger, pride, hopelessness, desire, self-improvement, but rather those with regard for others (>500) and for mankind (>600), and all of humanity (>700 to 1000). Will seek someone at the same log of consciousness, won’t accept lower. So, best way is to level up yourself

-Thus, it is not what happens to one but how one reacts as to whether or not they incur a positive or negative effect

-power trumps over force

-without compassion little of any significance is ever accomplished in human endeavour

-movement up the ladder is exponential to power of 10, not sequential.

Levels below 200 are destructive for the individual and society (focused on force). Need at least 200 (courage) to be constructive expressions of power. An individuals overall level of consciousness is the sum total effect of these various levels

-shame (20); close to death, wishing to disappear. Compensate by perfectionism, rigidity, driven, intolerance. Project unconsciousness by attacking others

-guilt (30); can lead to suicide, accident-proneness, falling for religious rituals that are harmful

-apathy (50); helpless, hopeless, death by passive suicide

-grief (75); an extended stay here leads to constant regret and depression; habitual losers and chronic gamblers are here and accept failure as part of their lifestyle. Major losses early in life make one susceptible to passive grief

-fear (100); most people operate on fear in life. Sad!

-desire (125); limitless greed. Desire can often lead to addiction, accumulation

-anger (150); can lead to great movements. But usually, resentment and revenge. Anger comes from unsatisfied wants or needs

-pride (175); when people feel positive it is usually this one, the one that besets the fall. Pride leads to a big ego, dependent on external conditions, pride for nationalism can lead to war. Pride leads to arrogance and denial.

-courage (200); the tipping point from negative to positive, to empowering from hopeless. Trying new things, open-mindedness. Putting equal amount into society as taking. Start of productivity requires courage

-society hovers around 190-210, barely sustaining itself as a whole

-neutrality (250); less black and white, if I cannot get this job I will get another. Less sense of defeat, fear, more confidence, sense of well-being, easy to get along with, safe to be around, non-judgmental, undisturbed emotionally. Value freedom, hard to control

Willingness (310); success and growth are rapid here. Below 200 people are close minded. Here and higher people tend to be legitimately friendly. Social and economic success follow here (for those within the same bracket, as people reject those at a lower state), self-esteem high here and reinforced by positive feedback from society. Willing to work on themselves and let go of pride.

-Acceptance (350); realization that oneself is responsible for the life they have. People below 200 see themselves as victims; at 350, there is nothing out here that has capacity to make one happy as the change comes from within. Able to see the whole picture, not worried about right or wrong but instead finding the true answer. Long term thinking over short term, have self-discipline and mastery.

-reason (400); intelligence, rationality over emotion, knowledge, information. This is where Supreme Court justices, Statesman, Nobel peace prize. Important historical figures like Einstein and Freud are here. Weakness is to lose sight of the big picture, lack of street smarts, obsessed with theories and concepts and miss the main point; confusion of objective and subjective worlds. Can make intellectualization itself an end; not a good end. The majority of people never go past this point, to the next point (love).

-Love (500); hate stems from pride not love. A relationship with hate has no love. Unconditional love, not the conditional hormones based love. This love is not dependent on external factors (difficult to get to). Forgiving, nurturing, supportive. Few people have these qualities. Love does not come from the mind or speaking from the mind, but the heart instead.

-reason deals with particulars, love deals with the whole. This is where two people can become one. Religions are fascinated with love. Only 0.4% of the worlds population reach this level, of being sufficient to reach the consciousness of love.

-Joy (540); love transforms to true inner joy, a constant accompany to all activities. Level of healing and self-help groups. Capacity for enormous patience and persistence. Compassion. Capable of prolonged open visual gaze. Divine will, see everything as beautiful, effortless life, synchronized. People at joy are now more concerned with helping others that will genuinely make themselves happy that others are happy. Near-death experiences or death of close ones can get people here.

-Peace (600); reached by 1 in 10 million. Transcendence, self-realization, God-consciousness, self-sacrificial, saint like. Doing anonymous work for better of humanity, spiritual teachers.

-enlightenment (700); infinite peace, the great ones of history. 1000 reaches Jesus, Buddha, Krishna

Chapter 5 – social distribution of these consciousness levels

-average is 204

-85% below 200; meaning 85% of people are negative and should entirely be avoided

-0.4% reach love (500)

-1 in 10 million reach peace (600)

-meaningful human satisfaction cannot occur until 250

-consciousness is set at birth; one moves higher by about only 5 points in life. Many things are set at birth by DNA. Many people in life actually move lower as they get older

-under 200 is all ego

Chapter 6 – new horizons in research

-addiction comes from running away from lower levels of consciousness and temporarily feeling the higher levels (350 to 600). Thus, it leads to constant need toward positive emotions and leads to addiction as it is a reliable source. Stepping out is negative, and leads to withdrawal effect

-but balance of nature dictates temporary purchase of pleasure steals from one in the future, a price the person and society pays for

-the overclass built power upon the majority of workers who have been denied pleasures, and mostly for their whole lives. The have nots envy the haves only for their pleasures and their ability to indulge. The realization of this, from envy, leads to war and revolution

-the moral code function be as a rationalized exploitation of life energy of the masses through a calculated distortion of values. The illusion is that the more hellish ones life is, the more heavenly ones reward, this confuses people that pain is equal to pleasure, this leads to insane alternation or suffering and euphoria in a deadly antisocial game of winning and losing the forbidden high.

-this is played out among people, where one is trying to get all the benefit, and then dump all the negative on others and trying to selfishly game other people

-a statement may have extreme truth to it, but it is only as good as the recipients mind and behaviour

-pain and suffering increases the lower ones level of consciousness is

-people always try to rationalize their own behaviour

-everyone views life their one way; there is very little consensus

-A person must have faith in the process of life itself in the struggle of life

Chapter 7; everyday critical point analysis

-the technique for measuring muscle, or a weak or negative response physically or emotionally works for everything

-reduce time spent gathering data

-avoid identity politics; avoid clinging to an image of yourself or worrying about it

-avoid fear, fear of death. Suffering comes from attachments

-spiritual fraud most common amongst preachers, channelers, psychics

-the inability to love (consciousness 500) is at the root of all human problems

-all judgment is self-judgment in the end

-what is good for you is good for me

-Doing something that benefits others benefits ourselves

-giving with expectation is not kind; kindness helps one’s own life because like goes to like, so it gets you to where you want to be.

-Power resides within the human heart itself

-fear; false experiences appearing real

-displacement of the false by the true is the essence of the healing of all things visible and invisible

Chapter 8- the source of power

-US constitution calibrates at 700

-power requires no justification, force does. Power vs force; power doesn’t move against anything in particular, force is always against something

Force is concrete and win-lose; power is more intangible and more invisible

-if a nations principles are bad, then the nation and its inhabitants go down

-if life loses meaning, then life is lost. Temporary gains are based on force (financial gain). Helping others is permanent

-force brings satisfaction; power brings joy

-if you hold forgiveness in mind, your arm will be strong. If you hold revenge in mind, your arm will be weak. What is weak falls on its own accord

Part 2: work

-book believes karma exists

-the weak are attracted to and then die by force. Force is arrogant, pompous, assuming

-politicians are usually at levels less than 200

-theocracy is lower than democracy. Religion is often force. Spirituality is non-violent

Power in the marketplace

-choose between a low attractor field and a high attractor field

-successful people be as they are, the best version of themselves

-integrity and excellence speak for themselves, because they are aligned with power. Good products pay for themselves without gimmicks

-satisfaction of needs brings contentment. Lack of satisfaction leads to frustration, emotional turmoil, violence, crime

-the need to control others and power stems from lack of power. Vanity stems from lack of self-esteem

-things aren’t black and white, don’t deny basic biological and sexual instinctual drives and needs

-successful solutions are created not by attacking the negative, but by fostering the positive

-true greatness is humility

-high power attractor patterns can become a lifestyle manifesting in all areas of life

-the best people are non-competitive with other people

-social pressure; a group member, employee or otherwise, doesn’t have the spirit of the group, they will no longer be with the group

-a loss of spirit is a loss of life

-someone who lacks spirit is devoid of humanity; becomes selfish

-the book also believes Carl Jung is the greatest psychoanalyst ever

-classical music demonstrates extremely high inherent power patterns, seems to be linked with attractor fields

-human history is the record of humanities struggle to comprehend truths that geniuses believe to be obvious

-geniuses lifestyles are often simple, and actually live better lives as it is a life they chose and true to their internal wiring. However it often can bring about unfortunate consequences during an individuals lifetime. Geniuses personalities incorporate polar extremes – not linked to IQ. It is more acquired personality traits

True success benefits you through a changed lifestyle and also benefit those around you, not hurt those around you

-some people with a bit of power become corrupt, arrogant, controlling. Others become more cordial, sensitive, caring

-the most powerful and famous people are open, warm, sincere, and believe success a responsibility

-if one does not believe that they are in control of their lives, they become powerless, vulnerable, defensive, and possessive

-true success comes from within, independent of external circumstances

-three steps in the ladder of success; material, social and what one does, then what someone becomes (spiritual)

-the world of the mediocre has intense competition (red ocean), there are few at the top (blue ocean)

-wisdom is the alignment with high power attractor energy fields

-one’s intent and motives result from principles which leads to one’s lives

-high attractor energy makes the body strong and brain release endorphins, a tonic effect on all organs

-low attractor energy lead to adrenaline, suppress the immune response, and cause weakness in organs

-our capacity to understand, forgive and accept is directly linked to our personal health

-many physical disorders linked to stress. Emotions directly have physiological consequences

-suppressed anger leads to hypertension and strokes

-negative thoughts lead to negative energy and change in internal organs

-love is the way to live healthy

-malice makes us sick; secret hostile thoughts result in suffering to one’s own body

-laughter heals because it arises from viewing a small context from a larger and more inclusive one. Removes the victim posture

-Gallow humour; opposites of a paradox

-beware the corporation or person that never laughs; they are looking to control and dominate

-most people pretend they want peace as a goal, when in their private life they want to be right. And they will argue to the end of time

-Accidents do not occur; they are many slow discernible antecedents

-through a change of mindset conditions can be healed, none are incurable or hopeless

Part 3 – meaning

-database of consciousness, Carl Jung

-through life the average person advances consciousness by only five points. Therefore, you want to find a silk cloth made out of silk to begin with, and not any other material. Putting lipstick on a pig still makes it a pig. The attainment of wisdom is slow and painful. People stick to old habits and are slow to change. Most would rather die than to alter beliefs.

-make choices or choices will inevitably be made for you

-growth and development are irregular and nonlinear

-only an attitude of willingness facilities a possibility of change

-we view other people at the consciousness level we are at. For example, if we are angry, we assume other people are as well and treat other people accordingly. Thus, people who don’t trust anyone is because they know they are untrustworthy so as a result they don’t trust anyone

-if we are a loving person, we may look at homeless people and think they are lovable

-Thus it is said we meet what we mirror

-our level of consciousness decides what we see

-the lower the level of consciousness, the more difficult it is to maintain or make eye contact. The higher one is, the more likely they are to be able to make eye contact

-being able to hold limitless eye contact becomes possible at the top

-power and perception go hand in hand

-our consciousness level is determined by the attractor energy field it is dominated by; this is voluntary too

-each individual believes their experience of the world alone is accurate

-the worst part of pride is denial

-unless the painful lessons of life which we deal ourselves are transformed through humility towards growth and development, they are wasted. If we repeat the same mistakes, that is a waste

-observing one’s own mind increases its level of consciousness

-be a master of your mind, not a slave to it

-if you can get to the point to be happy to be alive, then that is it

-the poor are poor in everything: financially, in friendship, in verbal skills, in education, in social amenities, in resources, health and happiness

-total consciousness is a experience of the self as Self, capital S. Infinite love, compassion, power, gentleness. The self is infinite, not finite

-few are interested in being enlightened

-pure consciousness

-one is powerless until one tells the truth

-if one is under the consciousness level of 200, one cannot heal at all

-even music (rap, hard rock) can be classified by consciousness

-presence effect; just having influences of Munger or Buffett and thinking of them in mind aligns with their energy fields and influences our decisions and thinking

-few escape the energy fields that dominate their lives; most people consciousness moves up by just five points

-reason is tedious and trivial; the intellect can often become infatuated with themselves and knowledge itself; narcissism at its finest which happens to a lot of higher educated people

-at lower levels of consciousness, wrong beliefs are accepted as true illogically and with no test

-all religions consciousness levels since the founder are dropping (consciousness is based on the person not the religion). Modern day Islam is only at 130

-Hindu; Lord Khrisna believes ignorance as the greatest sin

-Satanism has led to the desensitization’s of good and evil especially in the urban young today. This can go to the point where negative stimuli make a person go strong while positive stimuli make a person go weak. Extended, these adults then seek abuse of any kind in life, abusive relationships, and struggle endlessly against suicide

-as a result, our society now is in a moral hazard vacuum; we encourage seduction but always deny satisfaction. This perpetual frustration from normal outlets leads to perverse ones, which explains why people are becoming more and more mentally ill

-people now brainwashed by games, TV, news; they lead to desensitization from weakening emotional immune system to the point that depression is the most common emotion

-spiritual depression leads to people being dead while alive

-85% of people lack integrity

-logarithmic; one person at 500 counterbalances 750,000 people below 200

-exposure to negative people or situations affect us on a conscious and subconscious level, even things such as the news. Therefore, avoid entirely of evil once recognized. Augment the light, not attacking the darkness

-humanity can not recognize the difference between good and evil

-adapt humility to this awareness

-wisdom is to avoid anything that is negative or makes you go weak in anyway

-when someone is possessed, they are consumed by a negative energy field that cannot extricate himself

-hell is the consequence of constantly choosing the negative and isolating oneself from love. Most people are trapped in a dream (nightmare)

-find salvation through love

-the wily intellect suffers the most

-having an ego blinds oneself


This is not Financial Advice. This article is meant only for educational and perhaps entertainment purposes.


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