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The subtle art of not giving a f*ck
I’m typically not an advocate for self help books as for the most part what you could learn from those books comes naturally by doing the things you are supposed to do. By then, intuitively many of the...
Poor Richard’s Almanack by Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin is quite literally, a polymath. He was a writer, editor, politician, scientist, Founding Father of the US, drafter, signer of the Declaration of Independence. He is now the face of the...
Jordan Peterson tips on life
Jordan Peterson has now become a successful Canadian sensation, with his YouTube videos of his psychology lectures at the University of Toronto taking off. He is also the author of multiple books, including...
Jack Ma’s life advice
Jack Ma is one of the greatest Chinese entrepreneurs to have ever lived, having founded Alibaba in 1999. It’s been said that he has great charisma, drawing the Chinese towards him as a leader. He’s given...
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