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July 28, 2023
Often times with investing, it makes you live poor and die rich. You invest what little money left over after paying taxes, buying necessities, and other perceived wants in life. Then that meagre 6% saved,...
July 27, 2023
I rarely see books that break down step by step how to calculate an approximate intrinsic value of a company. Rule #1 by Phil Town does exactly that, for profitable companies at least. By only looking...
July 26, 2023
The author Chris Mayer started Woodlock house family capital, and wrote his thoughts on how to find 100 baggers in a twist to the original 100 baggers, 100 to 1 in the stock market by Thomas Phelps. With...
July 25, 2023
Imagine if you could somehow find stocks to buy that would 100x your money. Sounds unlikely, but possible. Even if this is somewhat idealistic, taking a long-term approach and finding companies that will...
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